Rosey Lees Remedies & Teas
My name is Kelly lee and I am the founder Creator of Rosey Lees Remedies & Teas. I started this new endeavour in first wave of the pandemic as I was hugely aware of the impact it was having and would continue to have on mental health and wellbeing and I wanted to create products and services that that supported people during these difficult times and beyond.
As a master herbalist with over 20 years’ experience, I work with people on a holistic basis which means looking at the overall health and mental health of an individual and creating a prescription to help support them with their ailments.
In 2006 I qualified as an EFT therapist and recently retook exams and courses to continue my work, I also undertook a counselling skills Diploma course which allows me to also help support people on an emotional level to help them to better understand their emotions and how they may find ways to support their own wellbeing needs.
Rosey Lees is in some part a continuation of my previous work supporting the community. In 2006 I undertook and co-founded a company called Tao East Midlands the remit was to take on old derelict spaces and transforming them with the local community to make them reusable for individuals, groups, organisations and the public. This new community network worked together to support and grow the local community and space with a particular focus on tackling the social issues that affected vulnerable groups and individuals such as homelessness, mental health and children leaving the care system.
The volunteer programme we established allowed individuals to gain skills, confidence, receive community support and training and also helped vulnerable participants to rebuild their lives. Tao was successful in fundraising for a large variety of community activities and initiatives such as a textile products course to support young single parents, allowing them to upskill to create products for re-sell. This project ran for 3 years and provided opportunities for further study and placements at local colleges. The Ethos of Tao was always about supporting the well-being of the community and working WITH the community to create to provide the tools for their own self-created projects and changes.
My work is informed by my own lived experience both in terms of my mental health, and as a survivor of domestic violence. My experience and self-help strategies have been the motivation behind my work, these first -hand experiences mean I have a greater understanding and empathy and desire to support others in a positive way, sharing my knowledge, skills and self-help techniques.
I am particularly proud of my Wellbeing Journal initiative, writing, recording and taking the time to think about my own mental wellbeing has been incredibly powerful in my own recovery and in maintaining my wellbeing but I knew that sometimes you need a little help or prompt to get started. So, the Wellbeing journals were a response to that. The journals I created prompt users to understand and recognise their emotions, make sense of them, and deal with them in a healthy positive way.
Through my work with Rosie Lees supporting physical health, I became more and more aware of the mental health impacts on the lives of my clients and how they are interlinked, by developing the Wellbeing Journals I am able to offer these as an additional support. The need and demand for the journals became more apparent as I received increasing referrals just for the journals, so I was encouraged to start a Crowdfunder to cover the costs of producing them so that I can provide them for free to groups and individuals in need but who may lack funds. Journaling has always been well documented as a method to help lift, ease and alleviate anxiety and or depression. If you would like to support this project and help keep the journals free of charge, please take a look at or share the Crowdfunder.
You can also self-refer yourself or someone in need at roseyleetherapy@aol.com
All details are in strict confidence and are not shared with any other groups or agencies.
My guiding principle is a belief that it takes a community to build and strengthen each other and I strive to achieve this in both my personal, and work life.
Kelly lee x