Founder and Creative Director of Happy Here
Kris was stateside for 10 years and is now back home and bursting for people to hear his new music that was spawned from trauma and dealing with grief, but now he wants to share his journey and it all kicks off with his new single “Out of My Head” released January 2021.
After a spiral few years, constant gigging, writing with many artists and winning awards for his music he decided it was time to come home.
His new single “Out of My Head” is a culmination of things during lockdown where he uses a dream as a metaphor for his journey, with the release in the chorus representing what became of the all the pain.
Searle’s new sound finds his vocals delivering his best performance yet, where you can really hear the intent in his delivery.
He is currently working on his new music from his album Echo River, charting the journey he’s taken battling with his mental health which he feels very strongly drives his inspiration by way of healing his past traumas and releasing them in song.
Kris has now launched his wellbeing company Happy Here, an online and in-person creative wellbeing support community helping people to take an empowered approach to their mental wellbeing, breaking down barriers between people of all genders, sexual orientation and backgrounds and to connect with inclusive like minded people, where you can be heard with compassion, non-judgement and care.
The Happy Here team is providing wellbeing services within Kent with the help of their Happy Bus, a new and exciting creative outreach service. They offer this through social prescribing, a non-medical approach to providing mental wellbeing support. It utilises and encourages people to improve their wellbeing through identifying and recommending activities and resources based on an individual’s needs, interests, and capability; helping them find the opportunity then motivating them.
“We are proud allies and PRIDE ourselves on being a safe space for ALL regardless of your sexuality, faith, age, gender, disability or race focussing on social interaction and support to help cope with mental health issues and normalising the stigma attached to it.” Kris Searle – Founder and Creative Director.